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Ridgewood Community Activities:



The Village of Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation seeks to make every program all-inclusive while offering accommodations as needed. This includes a myriad of offerings for preschool through middle school in art, science, nature, STEAM, etc...  


Programs specific to special needs include “ArtisticallyAbled” inclusive art instruction (Grades K-5; Winter Program Mondays 5-6pm; Jan 13, 27; Feb 3, 10, 24; March 2, 9, 16); "PonyShare Equestrian Introduction" (Spring session); "Every Kid's Life Skills" which promotes healthy eating habits, proper hygiene, sleep and exercise (Grades 4-8; Winter session Jan - March, Tuesdays 5-6:30pm or Saturdays 9-10:30am).


More information:, 201-670-5560, 259 N. Maple Ave, Ridgewood

REGISTER: (under Village Parks and Recreation)




Sharing the Arts is a non-profit performing arts program for individuals (ages 8 years through young adult) with special needs. Classes are led by teachers with support staff to provide redirection and assistance.  Pre-teen through college-age volunteers serve as assistants, demonstrators, mentors as well as friends in the class.  Programs include pre-ballet/jazz, hip-hop, vocal, acting and musical theatre.


More information:     201-689-2397




The RBSA offers an Annual Ridgewood All-Stars Program in May which is a four-day clinic designed for children with special needs. Each participant (ages 5 and up) is matched with a peer volunteer (ages 12 and up) who assists them through baseball/softball stations (throwing, hitting off a tee, etc.). A Lead Volunteer is assigned to each station to demonstrate to volunteers how the stations work, and RBSA Board members and coaches are on-hand to assist.  Participants receive a t-shirt, baseball hat and a participation trophy. To kick off the season, all Ridgewood All-Stars are invited to march in the RBSA Opening Day Parade on April 21st, accompanied by high school players. 

Questions:  551-427-5039,,



(Select "Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association"; then select "Ridgewood All-Stars Program-Participant"



RSA offers a special needs program for children, ages 6 to 14, who require the individual attention available in a smaller specialized environment, designed for children with a range of skill levels. The program is supported by athletes from the Ridgewood High School Women’s Soccer team as coach-mentors for players.  Whether a player is new to soccer or a seasoned veteran of the program, the intent is to provide individualized attention to develop skills and fitness, and to emphasize the fun aspects of soccer and sports. The 2019 program takes place on Saturdays, 2-3pm, from September thru early November. All children receive an official RSA jersey and soccer ball.  

Questions:  862-579-8626,


More information:




The Biddy Basketball All Star Program is going into its 19th year. No skill is required and all needs are met to the best of our ability.  Players Pre-K thru Grade 12 participate in the program (2020 Times: Sundays, 9-10am, Jan 5, 12, 19 & 26 at Ben Franklin Middle School Gym). Basketball clinics are led by certified teachers and assisted by student volunteer "coaches".  All players receive a basketball, tee shirt, and participation trophy.  Questions:



(Select "Ridgewood Rec (Biddy) Grades 3-8", select name of participant, select child's grade, select "K-8 Special Needs League - 2020")



Social Place

Educators and volunteer mentors from RHS administer, plan and run the activities of the Social Place. Sessions are offered in the Fall (Sept & Oct) and Spring (March & April) and are geared towards children with social challenges due to Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD - NOS, Chromosomal Disorders, ADHD/ADD or similar developmental delays.  Events typically take place on Saturday mornings and provide opportunities for children (in and out of district) entering Grades 1 - 8 to practice social skills in a fun environment, participating in typical type outings (e.g., Hayride, Bowling, etc).  A parent or guardian must be present but will be "in the background" to allow children independent social time.  Questions:


More Information (including Event Schedule and Registration Form):  See Attached PDF 



The Club

“The Club” is an extracurricular club for students in grades 9 - 12 who experience social challenges. Events are planned by Ridgewood’s Transition Coordinator, Michael Kilcullen, and take place twice a month on Fridays (e.g., sampling Ridgewood restaurants, attending RHS games/plays, arcades, cooking class, bowling, movies, etc).  It is a way for students who have reached a degree of independence to develop socially and expand their circle of friends by enjoying time with each other in a relaxed and fun environment.  The goal of “The Club” is to give opportunities for students experiencing social challenges to attend gatherings with peers and participate in a variety of age appropriate activities.  


More Information: Michael Kilcullen 201-670-2700 X20570  



Unified Sports 

 The Unified Sports program at Ridgewood High School is a way to promote social inclusion that engages all learners through planned activities.  These activities will include modified sports in Physical Education classes, as well as an after school club. This club will allow students to socialize and participate in skill building with the goal of having a Unified Sports basketball team that will compete against teams from other districts. 


The RHS Unified Sports Club is hosting a free basketball skills clinic for students in and out of district in grades 9 and above.  Thursdays, Jan 30 - Feb 20, 7:00-8:30pm, at Willard Elementary School Gym. 


Registration (weblink and PDF below):








More Information:;


Access Ridgewood

The goal of Access Ridgewood is to increase awareness of those with disabilities and create a more inclusive community.  2019 Access Ridgewood Event:  October 11-13.  


More Information:


Golden Gymnasts

Special needs children of all ages are invited to participate in this free gymnastics club, supervised by the RHS Gymnastics Team Coach with volunteers from the RHS gymnastics team.  No experience needed - activities will be fun and easy to learn.   

2019 Dates Offered: 9/27, 10/4, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5 (4-5pm at Ridgewood High School Gym 3)  


More Information: 


Free Yoga for Special Education Parents 

Free yoga is available at 1Gym4All for special education parents, Thursdays 7-8pm, Jan 16 - May 7 2020.  Bring a yoga mat.     


Contact:  email (district Occupational Therapist) and provide name if attending.  Drop-ins are also welcome.


Ridgewood Special Moms and Dads

Ridgewood Special Moms and Dads is a private Facebook group where members share information about programs, medical professionals, after-school activities and anything that relates to being a parent of a child with special needs.


Ridgewood Special Moms and Dads is a private Facebook group where members share information about programs, medical professionals, after-school activities and anything that relates to being a parent of a child with special needs.


Safety & Security: Did You Know?


You can register with the NJOEM’s special needs registry, so that emergency responders are aware of your child/family’s needs in case of disaster or emergency:


You can register your child with Bergen County Sheriff’s office Project Lifesaver:


Making a trip to the ER? Alert the reception desk that your child is special needs upon check in . They will take extra care to help them through the emergency room process 












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