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Welcome Special Education Teachers, Therapists & Child Study Team Members


We want to support YOU as you encourage our children to reach their unique potential.  The LSHSA has instituted a grant program to fund enhancement activities in your classrooms, therapy rooms and offices. We want you to continue to think creatively with outside-of-the-box ideas to enhance our children's education without worry about finances.



High School

  • A tour of Madison Square Garden to learn about job opportunities at the venue


Middle School

  • Music therapy sessions with a drum circle

  • Art therapy sessions at Pinot’s Palette

  • A STEM program to learn how chocolate is made and to make candy bars



Elementary School

  • A Sensory Path for all the students at Orchard Elementary.

  • A trip to Profetta Farms to learn about harvesting, processing and preparing organic foods.

  • Nine community outing trips for SAIL and RISe students that included visits to Stop & Shop, Target, Garden State Plaza, the police and fire stations, and the library to practice important life-skills


*   The LSHSA is a tax-exempt organization. Use Form ST-5 to avoid paying sales tax.

** According to BOE rules, teachers are not permitted to handle cash and checks cannot be made out to the teacher directly.

     All funds have to go from the LSHSA directly to the vendor.

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