Learning Services Home and School Association (LSHSA)
is dedicated to supporting the students and families in Ridgewood, NJ who receive special education services through IEPs and 504 plans.

Social Events
Parent Connections


Classroom Grants
LSHSA is a volunteer organization of parents who plan social, educational and outreach events and fundraise to support extra-curricular opportunities for children receiving Special Education services through Ridgewood Public Schools.
The LSHSA is not attached to one particular school. Instead, we serve families in all the individual Ridgewood schools and in out-of-district placements. Our primary goal is to support families going through the special education process, regardless where their child attends school.
Bi-monthly Information Meetings are held throughout the school year, which includes updates from the Special Programs Office (SPO), as well as the Board of Education. Please see our calendar of events for more information about all the opportunities to connect with the LSHSA.
LSHSA Board 2023-2024

To contact anyone on the LSHSA Board or any of our school reps, please email lshsa@ridgewood.k12.nj.us and we will direct your inquiry to the right person.